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SeekStorm gets Faceted search, Geo proximity search, Result sorting

SeekStorm gets Faceted search, Geo proximity search, Result sorting

SeekStorm gets Faceted search, Geo proximity search, Result sorting

SeekStorm is now Open Source

SeekStorm is now Open Source

SeekStorm sub-millisecond full-text search (Rust) is now Open Source SeekStorm is an open source, sub-millisecond full-text search library & multi-tenancy server implemented in Rust. Porting from C# to Rust -...

Tail latencies and percentiles

Tail latencies and percentiles

Photo by Steven Lelham Tail latencies and percentiles - what are they and why do they matter? How fast is fast enough? In the early days of the web, 1...

Fallacies of index compression in search

Fallacies of index compression in search

Photo by Sergio Jimenez Posting list compression is an important building block of every search engine. It reduces index size and query latency, as it reduces the amount of data...

SeekStorm has won the second award in the 'Warsaw Booster 21' accelerator program

SeekStorm has won the second award in the 'Warsaw Booster 21' accelerator program

We are very happy to share that SeekStorm search-as-a-service has won the second place out of 155 startups in the “Warsaw Booster 21” accelerator program 🏆💪😃. Today I had the...